At Reis-Nichols, we carry some of the most prestigious watch brands such as Rolex, Patek Philippe, Tag Heuer, Cartier, Breitling and Panerai. In addition to the over 15 watch brands we represent, we also have a very significant estate watch department.

watch repair

We currently have 3 master watchmakers fully certified with Rolex, Breitling, Panerai and Cartier, and have 2 junior watchmakers.

We are currently looking for a watch refinisher to join our team at our north Keystone location.


  • Polish and refinish watch cases and bracelets for watches (ranging from $20 to $50,000 and higher in value)
  • Replace watch batteries
  • Size watch straps and bracelets

Job Requirements

Must have:

  • Strong, meticulous attention to detail
  • Excellent hand/eye coordination
  • Ability to sit and focus for long periods of time
  • A sense of pride and satisfaction from transforming a customer’s watch into perfection that will delight the customer!

Nice to have:

  • Watch refinishing experience
  • Prior work experience in the jewelry and watch industry
  • Prior experience working with hands



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