Virtual Reality Inside the World of Watches :
Swiss Watchmakers are shifting to virtual reality by introducing their new products through VR events. The VR experience is limited to 360-degree video, though. So, even though you are strapped to a VR headset while viewing the companies unveil their watches in the most theatrical way, you will not be able to step into it and walk around – which is the actual VR. This does not deter the watchmakers from embracing the new technology.
Few the companies are even embracing this technology to make viewers understand the complex mechanisms within the watch. The experience is immersive and you get to see each detail in minuteness. Some of the top names that have adopted the VR experience include Roger Dubuis, Piaget, TAGHeuer&Shinola. While the watchmakers might be traditional and not gadget savvy, the companies they work for certainly know what cutting edge technology is – and they are ready to spend a lot of money on it too.
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