A jeweler’s masterpiece is not made by the hand alone but by the tools that make him a powerful creator. This is why the GRS Benchmate System has become a game changer for jewelers around the world. As an all-in-one tool system mounted on the jeweler’s bench, it magnifies the efficiency of the hand and the preciseness and intricacy of the resulting product.


GRS Benchmate


Easy to use and designed for productivity, the Benchmate provides functional support for interchanging tools while reducing slippage. It stably holds the ring clamp using a holder that easily swivels to allow adjustment of ring settings at every angle. This state-of-the-art jewelry tool is now on sale on esslinger.com or GRS BenchMate, with the full package consisting of the Benchmate, mounting plate, ring channel bridge, the shellac pad and accessories.


The GRS Benchmate tool system includes the support bridge for ring clamp, Watch the video!